Omnio Infancy Package

From Birth to Two years 
[And used during Pregnancy up to 6 years]

Omnio Infancy programme is a special programme to address the needs of a child in the course of Infancy. Usually, Infancy lasts for about 2 to 3 years from the time a child is born.

Parents are care-givers, nourishers and protectors in this phase of life of a child. These roles are well understood by providing nutrition, medical care, immunisations and the like. However, parents are often unaware or at a loss to understand how they could facilitate a more holistic and purposeful life for the child. Such empowerment should facilitate in all the later years of life of the child.


Infancy period is a part of a powerful the three-phase period in the growth and development of a child.  The three phases are preconception period (about 3-6 months preceding conception), the course of pregnancy and Infancy. The entire formative base of a child is being made then. This will become the core area of the child and is called Individuality. On this substratum, from age of 3 years onwards the child begins to operate with a Conscious Mind. Then it develops various Personalities like School Student, Engineer, Doctor, Businessman, Father, Son, Wife and so on.
The Personalities are based on the Individuality.

During Infancy period the child is a powerful subconscious learner. The subconscious mind of the child has super human capabilities – like while hypnotised or in a trance. It predominantly operates in Delta wave frequencies which range 0.5 to 4 Hz or cycles per second. It receives and processes data/information from the environment and parents. You can get an idea of the comparative power by this simple fact. The conscious mind of an adult human processes 40 signals per second whereas the babies subconscious mind processes 2 to crore signals per second!
The child is a phenomenal learner in this period and parents can provide holistic inputs for this eager learner. It is an opportunity and truly the responsibility of parents to facilitate learning.


Omnio Future has pioneered the empowerment of parents of infants and those expecting a child through the course of pregnancy. The methodology used in simple, yet very powerful. Omnio Infancy, combines Ancient Wisdom from our scriptures/seers and blends it with modern sciences.

The Omnio Infancy Package is for parents who wish to empower their infants holistically.

Omnio Infancy Course for empowering parents is run as a five day Residential Programme. However many parents, are unable to take this up due to their preoccupations. Our endeavour is to put up the available knowledge as videos/audio tools which can be easily accessed by parents anywhere at any time. Most of these knowledge resources will be made freely available through the internet.
Parents who wish to take part in the full process may contact us on .


As mentioned earlier, this package is for parents who wish to empower their eager learner-infants in a holistic manner.  It has been carefully constructed over years of practice to foster the best understanding and enablement of parents and their infants.

What the package contains ?
The package consists of a set of Omnio Cards. The cards focus on eight different inputs necessary for an infant’s holistic development . These are :

1. Omniology
2. Thinking Skills
3. Affective Sciences
4. Reasoning Skills
5. Human Sciences
6. Psychology
7.Subconscious Construction
8. Virtues

Methodology and Practice
Creating specific subconscious input frequencies is done using the extremely powerful Sri Yantra . This Yantra has been glorified in our scriptures as the most powerful of all tools and techniques. Adi Sankaracharya had even said that this Yantra could replace all the deities and pictorial images of Gods.

A unique and powerful Subconscious Language Programming has been developed by creating Omnio Cards. Repetition is a known technique for influencing the development of the subconscious. Using Omnio Cards, the   Infants subconscious mind exposed to holistic inputs covering the above mentioned eight areas. 

There are 400 Omnio Cards in this package. 50 cards pertain to one developmental area where inputs are to be given to a child. As mentioned earlier 8 developmental areas viz. Omniology, Thinking Skills, Affective Sciences, Reasoning Skills, Human Sciences, Psychology, Subconscious Construction and Virtues are covered.

Omnio Cards practice should be used regularly in the course of Infancy. However, the same can be used even up to the age of 5 to 6 years. It can be stored in an album and preserved over time. Usage in later years will recharge the creative developmental frequencies in the mind of the child and help in overall development.

These contents come packaged in a beautiful Gift Box. Usage Guidance is provided with the package. If you need further  help, you can contact us for Guidance Sessions.
The OIP [Omnio Infancy Package]  and Omnio Infancy programmes are conducted as regular sessions at OMNIO LEARNING CENTRES which have a dedicated facility for Infant Education. Visit us at to receive updates and find an OLC near you.


             Please contact for any guidance or assistance.